Decompression season continues: Just a quick note to remind you that New York City Decompression is this weekend. If you leave right now, no matter where you are you could still arrive in time for the 4pm start time this Saturday, but especially if you are in the area you should check it out.
For more information click here
I especially love the photo gallery on flickr
About the author: Affinity
Affinity, a Burner since 2000, was legally married on the Playa in 2001, was wedding coordinator and then training coordinator at Burning Man, before becoming the Black Rock Arts Foundation (BRAF) Social Media Coordinator and an Advisory Board Member. An attorney, she served on the Board of Directors of the Western Pension and Benefits Conference. She interned with the Human Awareness Institute for 10 years. She writes about how art is envisioned, produced, created, installed and its afterlife.
What about NYC decompression 2010???????
I can’t find any information about it!
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It looks like it is on 10/17/2010 and perhaps tickets have not gone on sale yet!
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But that’s for decom 2009!?!?!?
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Hi Erica: You are correct. My error. I have looked everywhere and I cannot find any information about 2010 NYC Decompression. There is a website, but I was not able to find any 2010 Decompression information on it.
Here is the email address for the NYC Regional contact. I hope that is helpful. Sorry I misled you.
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