One of the sexiest things about Burning Man — which you don’t always hear in the media — is that we’re the largest practicing Leave No Trace event in the world. BOOM! We build it, we burn it, we blow it up, and we make it all disappear so it looks like nothing ever happened.

With 50,000+ attendees in 2012, Burning Man is the largest gathering on U.S. Public Lands. The Bureau of Land Management permits us to celebrate our culture in the Black Rock Desert, but we must make sure the playa is returned to its pristine condition, Leaving No Trace behind. After all, it is public land and it’s meant to be shared by everyone.
The Burning Man community takes Leaving No Trace seriously, and we do it well. That’s why, every year, the Playa Restoration team is so proud to release the results of the MOOP Map — the record of how much MOOP was left in the city grid. The MOOP Map is our proof that YOU and the other 50,000+ citizens of BRC are making a huge effort to pick up more trash with every year that passes. Compare the results of our first MOOP Map in 2006 with the results in 2011:
But the MOOP Map is only one test of our success, and there’s still a bigger test to pass: the BLM’s annual site inspection, which is coming up in a matter of days. It’s a strict inspection, which holds Burning Man to its Leave No Trace commitment with very little wiggle room. We’ve always passed. But will there come a time when the Burning Man community fails to Leave No Trace?
This is a chart of our inspection results since 2006. In order to pass, we must leave behind less than one square foot of MOOP per acre of land. And as you can see, we’re creeping up toward that limit.
Right now, though, we don’t have time to think about that. As of this moment, our only goal is to scour Black Rock City for every last piece of MOOP we can find, and make sure we pass this year’s inspection.
As D.A., Playa Restoration Manager, told his team before their first day on the lines, “The truth of the matter is, we could always fail. But we don’t fail. We don’t ever fail, and we’re not going to fail now.”
What does all this mean for the future of Black Rock City? What can we do as a community to stop the increase of MOOP in our city? Those are the questions that face us. In the days to come, we’ll talk more about the issue. Today, we’re picking up the MOOP in front of us.
Tomorrow, we’ll release the first results from the 2012 MOOP Map! Are you ready? Did your camp Leave No Trace?
‘Til then, this is The Hun signing off.
This comment may well be beyond the scope of this blog posting. I will add that I consider myself ignorant about the process, but, here goes.
The whole playa restoration thing fascinates the hell out of me . . . . .
I picked up a fair amount of moop between the greeter station and the city. Some was corroded enough make it obvious that it was from prior years. This makes me curious about the area within the pentagon that is not city grid. Having no camping or dwelling on it, does that make it inherently less moopy? How much attention does that area get?
Are metal detectors part of the find-the-moop arsenal?
How are the post holes and wiring trenches dealt with?
Leaving a trace can mean more than leaving something material behind. The washboard on the way out was very bad on Tuesday, and was particularly severe by the ticket gate.
Is any attention paid to the smoothness and flatness of the playa surface?
I am aware there are some formal public complaints and concerns about dunes.
There was a pretty big dune that formed in our camp that was about 9inches deep.
I found some moop in it, but could not find an adequate rake to go through it for moop or to disperse it either.
Do you guys deal with dunes at all? Ski resorts groom vast acres of snow on their trails daily for months on end around here in Colorado. The idea keeps coming to my mind of some sort of dune busting and surface smoothing device, with a strainer/rake mechanism, and a magnetic pick up. This device would also fill in depressions with loose playa, and a built in water sprayer would add a last finishing step to cement the surface. Hey, inventiveness is a big part of the Burner culture. Certainly such a device could be built. As the city gets bigger, then more sophisticated and larger scale means are called for.
The airport is outside of the trash fence. Is attention paid to that area?
How is the decomposed granite at the burn sites dealt with?
Personal note, I see moop and the first thing that comes to mind is “I did not drop it, it is not mine, so don’t own it by picking it up.” WRONG! It is likely that near 100% of moop is unintentional. It is not your moop, it is not my moop, it is our moop.
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G! What awesome questions! I will do my best to answer. Some of this stuff we’re actually planning to talk about over the next couple of weeks, too.
The city grid gets most of the attention because it is indeed the MOOPiest. The majority of MOOP tends to fall in people’s camps, especially their kitchens and showers. However, we use the same (approximate) sites repeatedly, so if something gets missed one year, it might pop up the next year — and maybe what used to be a campsite might now fall in open playa. So as much as possible, we try to go everywhere.
We don’t use metal detectors, we use metal “rakes” which are high-powered magnets mounted on wheels. We can roll them over an area with lots of metal debris, and it’ll be sucked right out of the dust.
Post holes and trenches are filled in by the work crews and theme camps who dug them, but Burning Man also has a policy for how deep and wide you’re allowed to dig, which helps us prevent any giant holes that wouldn’t refill themselves naturally over time.
The smoothness and flatness of the surface, and the dunes, are a continual topic of conversation. Dunes get “dragged” — essentially, spread out over a wide area so the dirt can settle into a more natural configuration. We’re experimenting with water tactics this year too. DPW is always working on strategies for roads, trying to make them better not just while we use them, but afterward. It’s an ongoing challenge that we get a little better at all the time.
We moop the airport!
Decomposed granite is removed and returned to the place from whence it came. However, we’re going to talk more about DG soon. It’s another challenge :)
And … AMEN!
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I would like to see a few pictures of different moop you collect ie metal
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I am a big fan of yours and Playa Restoration. I will continue to do my small part to promote your efforts and make sure the ones of us that are not there do not forget. Fingers crossed that the green trend continues, but a bit baffled by the graph? Is the sophistication of the clean up and inspection uncovering more MOOP after the line sweeps have finished?
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I think your efforts are awesome. Thank you Playa Restoration Team. I carried a moop bucket with me every day at BRC and pretty much came back full with every trip out to the center playa. Lots of the moop out there was big enough to notice easily during the daylight hours so I just did my part. My bucket was a simply plastic coffee can with a lid, not rocket science.
I think what you have written here is extremely important for burgins like myself to understand. I actively sought out and participated, both in camp and in community. I wonder with as many burgins as we had this year how many others were properly educated? Personally, I think a lot more emphasis could be placed on the Leave No Trace idea behind Burning Man. We are the biggest LNT event in the WORLD! And, while cicic responsibility has played a major part in the past, the more burgins who come, the more education is needed (IMHO).
I saw a LOT of stuff out in center playa though, from abandoned bikes (which I could not fit in a coffee can) to wine bottles, cans and (ugh) cigarette butts. I have to wonder that if some people are just not getting it, if there is a way to offset. My idea: is there a way for some entity within the BRC infrastructure to offer a reward system for citizen moop collection? It would have to be based on an honor system I suppose, but say for every coffee can full of moop I pull off the playa to present at (?) camp location, I receive a sticker or a patch or one of those cool moop picker guns I saw y’all with? Maybe a $1 coupon for the café or even a point system for trade in for gifts? Can we turn our trash into some form of currency system in BRC that is a win-win for the entire community?
Love and Dust,
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Playa Restoration Team: Thank you for all that you do. I know that I do my best to contain the MOOP that I create, and I do pick up what I see along the way – in fact, this reminds me that I still have random playa MOOP in my pannier bag!
Bruno, I have an idea – why don’t you set this up as a gift you bring to the playa? You can create a MOOP drop-off point at your camp (and be responsible for disposing of it off-playa), and give rewards if you want to as people deliver the MOOP to you. Kind of a neat concept, and I really don’t think there’s any reason you couldn’t make it so. If you build it, they will come. :)
Dusty hugs and radical respect,
Donna Rae
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(Though it kinda goes against decommodification….)
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curious cat – you got it!
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durgy – Good catch. That’s one of the big topics we’re going to have to get into. There are a few reasons why the inspection results are getting worse even though the city’s doing better. One reason is that the BLM takes random samples of the site, and we never know where those samples will be. Another is that we’ve used this site several times now. Trust me, this will be a bigger discussion that we’ll get into soon … it’s complicated!
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Bruno, that’s a fantastic idea, and I agree with Donna Rae that you should take it on as your project! Thanks so much for doing your share of mooping even though it was your first year. You’re right, not everybody shows up with a good knowledge of why and how to leave no trace … but the great thing about our community is that we help each other learn and grow, and people who don’t know about MOOP find out about it pretty quickly.
As far as Burning Man rewarding people for mooping, I like the idea of the reward but think it should come from community members — bottom-up instead of top-down, right? You could definitely organize something, I bet there are a lot of people who would want to get involved with that.
Donna Rae, thanks for your support and for your suggestion, and for mooping!!
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My two cents on the MOOP issue..
To be frank, I find more veterans who give no damn about cleaning up the Playa than newbies. The couple who introduced me to Burning Man, a 19 year burner and a 14 year burner, told me that there is no reason to clean up, because someone else will do it for you… They also threw garbage into my garbage, used baby wipes in the toilets, poured their beer on the Playa, and more…
Like some things at Burning Man, MOOP is one of those unspoken things that people will tell you is totally utopian and never happens, but it’s fucking everywhere. I personally packed out a garbage bag with nothing but feathers, and two more garbage bags full of Ziplocs full of MOOP. Some people REALLY just don’t care, and they will never care. Guy camped next to me this year would piss behind his car all day and night, because “it dries up anyway!” People with those ugly feather headdresses. Bird-lady. There are lots of people who think the rules aren’t really rules, or they don’t apply for some reason.
What can we really do? No matter how many survival guides you send out, there will still be a crowd of people who just toss their cigs out, piss on the Playa, pour their beer out, and wear shitty glowsticks every night and just laugh about losing them all by the end of the night.
And what do we do about big art car parties in the middle of the Playa? While I may not be a partaker in those activities, I appreciate them for what they are, but… I rode to a location where a well-loved-and-well-known-art-car-that-shall-not-be-named was finishing up for the sunrise… still a pretty big crowd… and as they rolled away, the crowd rolled with them… leaving behind a massive pit of disgusting shit. And nobody picked it up. So I did. But what do we do about those?
PS – Extra special F U to the idiots I saw throwing huge gobs of glowsticks at the Man Burn, and all the time near large sound camps.
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If you can’t tell from looking at the moop maps, It should be obvious, Sound Camps are a magnet for moop, mostly because f-ed up people moop the most and f-ed people are for some strange reason attracted to loud music like bugs to a fly zapper. There is however a solution for this:
I was out at well-loved-and-well-known-art-car-that-shall-not-be-named one morning and they did something wonderful. Between sets the DJ that was coming on stopped the music and said he wasn’t going to turn it back on until, “all the moop was picked up”. I’d like to encourage all DJ’s who play at BM to follow this ethos. Before your set, stop the music and make everyone there pick up “all the moop.” Sure some people will wonder off, but you’ll be doing wonders to help that sound camp and the rest of BM stay moop free.
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One thing that struck me this year, was that so many people, for whatever reason feel that the rules don’t apply to them. I know many of us see people tossing garbage or peeing on the playa, driving too fast etc, and we don’t say anything. We don’t want the confrontation, or we just want to turn a blind eye – well I want to encourage everyone to make it part of your responsibilities as a good citizen of BRC, to not turn a blind eye. If everyone who tosses their beer can is confronted about it, hopefully it will create a culture where we hold each other accountable, and teach the newbies and the ignorant that the rules apply to all of us, and is vital to the long term viability of the event. I witnessed someone toss a beer can into my bike basket this year, I confronted him, he tried to make excuses, his friend tried to make excuses, but I persisted and said to him “it’s ok to say..oops I did something wrong and I got caught and I shouldn’t do it again”… only then did he admit it. It may sound a bit extreme, but that 60 second conversation/confrontation I’m confident made an impact on him. There are polite and respectful ways in which we can tell someone that they’ve done something wrong, so it doesn’t always have to be confrontational, but please don’t turn a blind eye. Every little bit matters.
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Conversation I had with an alien at the alien glow-stick throwing party: “so, do you guys go and pick up all these glow sticks after we are done throwing them?”
“Well, yes, but as you can see…” turns to gesture at now-empty playa space, seconds ago covered with a glow-stick mania “people help us out with that pretty quickly”
Mood happens, but sometimes it’s just a part of an amazing experience. As long as you yourself try you best, right?
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LOVING this thread!
To those with questions about what Playa Restoration does/tools, etc, the BM site’s page is a great resource:
Also AWESOME is DA’s blog!
Of particular note, check out the videos produced last year, they really give you a sense of what it’s like out there, topics were:
DPW Playa Restoration Lesson #1: MOOP Basics
DPW Playa Restoration Lesson #2: Anatomy of a MOOP Line
DPW Playa Restoration Lesson #3: Techniques for Tent-Stakes Removal
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That is so awesome that you had that idea, because my awesome friend Maya and I were just talking about starting a MOOP Camp next year on playa. Can we join your camp?
Maya has tons of expertise, having traveled all over the country attending festivals and volunteering with recycling and trash! She teaches people how to sort recycling from trash efficiently and so much more. As for me, I am a proud MOOPer, and purveyor of the MOOP Dance, and have put in at least two days last year mooping the Cafe, all day, doing line sweeps, raking, etc. Oh- and I learned how to make awesome MOOP Bags, which we can gift ! Also, me and another friend started “The Mission MOOP Mission” in SF together and i know she would be interested in joining…it will be her first Burn.. So far that makes 3 (amazingly trashy ;) girls who want to join your camp!!
I’m so serious about this!! Email me.
Shout Out to Restoration 2012!!! I LOVE YOU!! <3333333333 Keep your heads up–I mean down! Keep trucking, keep finding awesome MOOP, Keep being the sexiest people alive on the planet, and keep–actually–hold off, on the Mystery Pill Popping Game..
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Um… MOOP collecting mutant vehicle? Let’s get on it people. Just suck up everything, catch the moop in a screened-in box, blow the dust back out. Just not in peoples’ faces. On second thought, nobody do that, I have my mutant vehicle idea and it’s sure to get approved…
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I too am appalled by the attitude of a lot of the veterans. Just because they know resto exsists they think it’s ok to not pick up moop, and in some cases totally ignore one of the 10 principles.leave no trace! There was 3 and a half metric shit tons of human refuse between my camp and commissary. I’m only walking 2 or 3blocks, and cutting throug hnothing but staff camps along the way, and on Wednesday after the burn. I know the sound camps have it rough, but if staff cant keep their shit tight then how does anyone expect the other 50,000 people to do so. Lead by example people. Pick up all the moon, regardless if you put it there. I pick up moop in black rock city, and in all cities that I am in. it gratifies my belly, and gives me a warm fuzzy dealing everytime I bend over and pick that shit up.
PS:Journey and Bruno… Getter dun
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Could it be that because ticketing was so screwed up this year that there were a whole lot more people who don’ know burner culture, and so were more moopy? If you screw up ticketing there are bound to be consequences.
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So look… there’s 60,000 people who camp in this desert for a week+. You can still go most anywhere and not kick beer bottles and red throwaway plastic cups on a dance floor. And there’s always moop. In all (this is my 4th year of restoration) it seems like the citizens of BRC are really “getting it. While there is a playa restoration crew, we cannot do it without the effort of every single participant. And we appreciate all you’ve done. The blocks are looking pretty good so far. There is always room for improvement, especially in staff camps (please do note that some staff camps are on playa for nearly one full month) Thank you BRC for doing what you can to make our city as clean as it is.
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I laud the organizers for consistently leaving the playa in a pristine condition after the event but something’s been niggling me for years. The statement that Burning Man is the largest leave no trace event in the world seems to me a bit disingenuous if not outright dishonest. If clean up post-event was the result of an exclusive all volunteer work force then I think BM could rightfully make the claim. However, the fact that a portion of workers helping to restore the playa post-event are paid/subsidized by the BMORG de-legitimizes that oft championed claim. This is especially true if you consider other, more larger festivals in other parts of the world. Glastonbury in England is a case in point. Each summer the event boasts somewhere around 100,000 attendees and another 20,000 volunteers. These numbers far exceed the ~58,000 attendees at this years Burning Man. When Glastonbury is over the dairy farm – the largest organic dairy farm in England – is restored to a pristine condition so that the cows might be returned to pasture. Using Glastonbury as a single example I have to ask how is it that Burning Man consistently makes the claim that ours is the largest leave no trace event in the world when there is at least one (and likely others) that are much larger and which can – it would seem – legitimately lay claim to that which Burning Man touts so far and wide?
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Hey Bruno,
I forgot to include my email address..It is: (I volunteer and stuff so they gave me a bm email address and that makes me feel special yay!..)
Anyone else reading this who is interested in creating a MOOP camp next year is welcome to email me about getting involved!! Even better if you have waste management skills and passion.
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Many thanks to all accomplishments made by Playa Restoration and fellow burners with commitment to MOOP patrol. At the Black Rock Boutique we take it very seriously and ensure that none of our gifted garments are made of sequins, feathers, and “moopy-poopy” materials. We pack it out if we find it in donations. The floor of the entire Boutique as well as our sweat-shop back of house area is lined with canvas. We sweep the whole thing and roll it up before taking the skins off of our structure. We also have four shifts a day to sweep the camp. We have to be especially vigilant with so much fabric and such floating around and many alterations making new MOOP constantly.
On another note, I am absolutely appalled at the amount of feathers I have seen on playa this year. I noticed it less when I was there but more in photos, particularly professional photos. It irritates me to no end that professional photographers perpetuate the problem by giving these people air time. Yes, they are beautiful, that is not the issue. But that is promo glorifying the MOOP. I would love to see a more proactive effort by some affiliated BMorg groups to intervene when we see MOOP in action. Could the Rangers actually step up and let people know they are out of line? They stop people speeding with mutant vehicles and art cars, so why can’t they stop people for mooping? Just a thought. I think the Black Rock Boutique is going to do some education via print material and media as well to get the word out and do our part.
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The Man With No Plan – You’re right, there will ALWAYS be people who don’t care, or at least don’t act like they care. It irks me as much as it irks you. But the truth is, there are people doing things that irk me every day, in every part of the world. Radical Inclusion means learning how to live with those folks. Even if they are 14-year veterans who throw baby wipes in the potties (grr). All we can do is lead by example, right? But yes, I feel your pain. And I’m always so happy to talk to people, new or veteran, who “get it.”
As for the art car parties, that’s something the DMV has been working on, but I don’t know the specifics. We’re definitely trying to come up with a strategy for that, and in the meantime, Playa Restoration moops as much of the open playa as we can.
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The Glam King – That’s such an awesome story!!!! I’m so happy to hear that art car drivers are getting the word out. Sound camps are also improving, though they definitely have the biggest challenge for pretty much the reasons you laid out.
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Benson – Yes! You’re right. The key is to keep those confrontations less … confrontational. The best way to teach people is with kindness, just the way you are doing it.
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Kallie3000 – amen!
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Journey – what is the MOOP Dance!!!!?!?!?? I must know.
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PS Journey I love you!!!!!!!!
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Alex – YES! Do it!!!!
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808 – The staff camps are held to the same standard as everybody else, but sometimes it takes us a little longer to clean up because we stay out here longer. For example, two staff camps got yellow and red on this year’s MOOP Map, and they are hearing about it for sure.
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Anonymous Coward – That’s a big question that a lot of people are asking … the MOOP Map will tell!
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nikOpeachZ – amen. Love your work.
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Xeno – Aha! We were wondering if and when somebody would dispute that claim, and thinking it might happen as a result of this post. Glad it’s you who brought it up, and you make a great argument. I honestly don’t feel like I want to get into that level of discussion here, since I’m representing the Org and not always my personal opinions. But I will show DA your comment because I think he’ll appreciate it. Keep saying that, it’s good insight.
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Yvel Queen – Thanks for all you do! That costume-related education you provide is SO useful and I appreciate it to no end.
I agree, there were way too many feathers this year. They’re in style lately. And yes, there’s a good argument for having Rangers talk to people about MOOP. I don’t know if that’s something they would want to take on, but what about organizing some kind of independent MOOP Rangers? Why not, right?
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@ The Hun (His reply to The Man With No Plan) Radical Inclusion is nice but I am perfectly willing to say the veterans TMWNP alluded to are not burners, but simply people who’ve attended a lot of Burning Manses. Some people just don’t get it.
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Good point corvus. Just because ya been there for a decade doesn’t mean your a burner. It’s a way of life. Not a linnier time thing.
@ the hun….thank you for taking your time to reply to our posts. The staff camps I traversed through were built after my arrival, and deconstructed b4 I left. I’m not referring to the long term dpw camps(they take care of their shit…eventually ;-)
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Corvus – That is an unfortunate truth.
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808 – Well that’s too bad to hear, I don’t know what staff camps you’re referring to but I trust that you know what you’re talking about! I won’t sugar coat it, that definitely does happen. We try to police each other as much as we can, though.
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I admire the effort the restoration crew makes to purify the playa. I know the cleanup I did in my camp was no fun at all but I did it so that BM can be back another year. Could you clarify the maximum moop allowed? It’s expressed as one square foot per acre but moop isn’t flat. It must be expressed as 1 foot square by xx inches high or something like that. Does someone know the answer? Thanks for the answer and to all who de-moop.
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Well, i’m now putting foot in mouth. Apparently a week after our camp was struck, my camp leader did a final moop grid around our camp and found all kinds of trash. most of witch I can only imagine came outta an unraked dune. Even after a extensive 8 person demooping there was still things we missed.
It just goes to show there is always room for improvement. I f we all do our part, and help others to do the same, we can hopefully make restos job easier next year!
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this is kind of a duhh answer but I think education is the key. Just reading this thread has made me all that much more conscious about it. Like it’s already been said it must be done in a non-confrontational manner; making people part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Broadcast the problem as an increasingly important issue for the whole community (who knows, that 19yr burner may even start to consider a change) and make people more and more aware of it and of the role they play. Especially at the vehicle parties far down playa. If the vehicles themselves promote it the crowd will be much more receptive. Little by little the word can spread. There will always be those few ones who don’t care and that’s out of our hands so better not focus on those and go for the majority.
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please share photo of MOOP.
show us what is left behind.
tell us what the MOOP is.
most of all, can you tell us the names of some the the camps that are the worst offenders? this might curb undesirable behavior in the future.
a BLACK list if you will…..possibly not grant theme camp permits to camps that do not follow LNT principals.
all this huff about feathers…..please show me some photos of all the noxious feathers. a picture’s worth a thousand words.
thank you for this opportunity so sound off.
mike/ piko
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please share photos of MOOP.
show us what is left behind. show me all these FEATHERS many are flipping out over.
educate me please. i want to know.
tell us what the MOOP is.
most of all, can you tell us the names of some the the camps that are the worst offenders? this might curb undesirable behavior in the future.
a BLACK list if you will…..possibly not grant theme camp permits to camps that do not follow LNT principals.
all this huff about feathers…..please show me some photos of all the noxious feathers. a picture’s worth a thousand words.
thank you for this opportunity so sound off.
mike/ piko
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What is your theme for 2013? I have an incredible idea…please contact me!!
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