Posts exploring the art theme for the event in Black Rock City.
Several times in this series, leading minds in their fields called for AI development to stop so that humanity can
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“People create Gods when they wonder why things happen. Do you know why things happen? Because Gods make them happen.
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It's often said that Burning Man and the internet grew up together: both started emerging at around the same time
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In principle, the debate we’re having is how to make Artificial Intelligence more human, more ethical, and how to treat
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(WASHINGTON DC) (JULY 11) - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Military authorities revealed today that the AI systems which connect armed forces,
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PALO ALTO, CA, JUNE 25 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE A nationwide study out of the Stanford Monetizable Innovation Lab shows
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Technology changes fast, so let’s take a moment to stop and review. Better Off a Bot Shortly before
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Cogito Ergo Sum In 1637, before we, as a human race, knew what a robot was (although there was the
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Vanderbilt Professor of History Michael Bess is the author of Our Grandchildren Redesigned: Life in the Bioengineered Society of the
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