News, updates and stories about the incredible art of Black Rock City.
It’s the ability of Garlington’s art to encompass both those extremes that most inspires me: the images may be fantastical
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What did you bring home from Burning Man? Definitely a sheen of dust and hopefully new perspectives and friends and
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The Artumnal Gathering in San Francisco, California, is our annual gala celebration and the primary fundraiser for Burning Man's worldwide public art
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When we think about the art of Burning Man, we think BIG, as in large-scale installations, which we enjoy for
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Burning Man’s 2016 art theme is inspired by the Italian Renaissance of the middle fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.
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Burning Man – Art on Fire by Jennifer Raiser with Sidney Erthal and Scott London Race Point Publishing Art of
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Munney and I were walking around the Totem of Confession, marveling at the intricacy and imaginative power of the surreal
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September 5, 2015 By Moze
Last night we stopped for a sip of water and some very important decisions on what direction to move and
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