Serious Stuff, The Ten Principles Art, Gender, and the Renaissance: Where My Matrons At? – Part 1: Mrs. Cellophane March 24, 2016 By Felicity Graham Part of the Art, Money, and the Renaissance blog series (Read the Introduction to Art, Gender, and the Renaissance here) What ...Read More
Serious Stuff, The Ten Principles Art, Gender, and the Renaissance: Where My Matrons At? (Introduction) March 23, 2016 By Felicity Graham Part of the Art, Money, and the Renaissance blog series Introduction When the subject of the Renaissance and the system of ...Read More
Shenanigans You’re Doing It Wrong! Stop Burning Your Art and Start Burning Your Art! March 15, 2016 By Savonarola Burning Man is grateful that legendary 15th-century Florentine Friar Savonarola has agreed to write an occasional feature for our Renaissance ...Read More
The Ten Principles Following the Money: The Florentine Renaissance and Black Rock City March 10, 2016 By Larry Harvey If Burning Man is to be more than a refuge, and if we believe that it is destined to do ...Read More
BRC Art, Global Art How Burners are Reinventing the Artists’ Workshop February 29, 2016 By Stuart Mangrum Part of the Art, Money, and the Renaissance blog series One of the defining features of Burning Man art ...Read More
The Ten Principles The Renaissance’s $ecret Weapon for Arts Funding February 4, 2016 By Caveat Magister Part of the Art, Money, and the Renaissance blog series If you think the economy is weighed in favor ...Read More
BRC Art Da Vinci’s Workshop: The Piazza January 25, 2016 By Burning Man Project Learn about the rotating Man (!!), the Campaniles, and Guild Workshop Spaces to be featured in this year's Man Base, ...Read More
The Ten Principles What Powered the Renaissance? (Could It Have Happened Without Cash?) January 25, 2016 By Caveat Magister Part of the Art, Money, and the Renaissance blog series We know that money can’t buy happiness (though it ...Read More
Serious Stuff Burning Book Club: da Vinci Uncoded December 1, 2015 By Stuart Mangrum Part of the Art, Money, and the Renaissance blog series Since the theme for Burning Man 2016 is da ...Read More
Serious Stuff Can Burning Man Balance the “Art” and “History” in “Art History?” Should It Have To? November 4, 2015 By Caveat Magister If we can’t take the topics that our community has passion for and fear about ... and use art and ...Read More