Follow the stories of building an annual desert metropolis.
This is the ninth post in a series about “No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man,” the upcoming exhibition at
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(This post was written after a visit to Playa Restoration last week; the BLM inspection was scheduled to take
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The building and raising of the Man and Temple as seen from above. #throwbackthursday
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One last night of Burning Man 2018, the night of the Temple burn. All the mementos, inscriptions, pictures and ashes
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Just a brief note for now to report that yes, the Man burned last night, on a gorgeous, windless
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Just a couple of pictures for now; a full story will come at a later date, but suffice it
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Gate folks have a tough job. They are the people you see as you reach the playa but before you
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The Man has been lifted into place, the Temple has risen, street signs are being erected(and stolen!),art os rising from
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We came upon David Best, Larry Harvey’s brother Stewart and his son Brian out beyond the Temple, and they had
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