Follow the stories of building an annual desert metropolis.
We are in week three of the build and despite continuing difficulties with the weather, incorporating new members of the
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In 2018 Burning Man’s founder, my close friend Larry Harvey, had a stroke. While he was in a coma in
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In this episode of the Waking Dreams series we’re going to time-travel back to the earliest days of Burning Man
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It’s true that you have to be prepared for everything, and sometimes everything happens in the course of one day.
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Launched in 2020 by a team of seasoned Temple builders, the Temple Builders Guild is a collection of craftspeople who
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Thankfully, it has happened again. The Golden Spike has been sledgehammered into the ground, marking the spot where the Man
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Show of hands: have you ever used “hypnogogia” in a sentence? Just as I thought. This year’s Waking Dreams theme offers
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Greetings friends, participants, artists, citizens of Black Rock City. Yes, we will burn the Man this year! We’ve been hard
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Laura Day, Associate Director of Operations at your service, here to spill the beans around our plans to reimagine Center
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